Betreiber (nach §5 TMG):
Iteachmed GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 2c
30853 Langenhagen
Tel: +49 (0)163 8818084
Amtsgericht Hannover
Registernummer: HRB227585
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Prof´in Dr. Imke von Wasielewski
Prof. Dr. Ralf Gutzmer
Entwicklung der Website und die App:
Wir schätzen Ihren Datenschutz!
We and our partners are using technologies like cookies and process personal data like the IP-address or browser information in order to analyze the website data. This helps us to improve your internet experience. We also use it in order to measure results or align our website content. Because we value your privacy, we are herewith asking for your permission to use these technologies. You can always change/withdraw your consent later.